Create a New Case

Case Tracker makes creating and managing cases simple.

Note: Only certain users can create a new case. Learn more about user permissions, or contact your Administrator to request access.

Create a New Case

To create a new case, click the All Cases Tab on the Left Navigation Menu

Click the New Case Button on the top right of the table. On the New Case Page, enter details relevant to the case. You can save the case as a draft at any point.

Add Case Details 

Select the Case Type and the School Site associated with the case using the drop-downs at the top of the page.

Note: Once a case is moved to 'in progress', the School Site cannot be changed. 

If your team uses another case management or people management software and you want to document a case in Case Tracker, you can add a reference by clicking Add New in the top right corner of the Other Software table. 

In the pop-up window that appears, select which software the case originated from the software dropdown. In the description field, enter the case ID from the original software or any other notes about the case you would like to cross-reference.  

Add Relevant Parties 

The next step is adding relevant parties and witnesses, if known.  

You must add at least one Complainant and one Respondent in order to create a case. If there are no complainants or respondents to add, then click the Not Applicable Checkbox on the top left of the table.

Note: Parties will not be able to view the case until you send them an invitation to join Case Tracker. If you grant the complainant or respondent view permissions while adding them to the case, they will be able to view the case only after they receive your invitation to join Case Tracker. Learn more about Inviting Users.  

Click the Add New Button at the top right side of the Complainants, Respondents, or Witnesses table.

In the pop-up window that appears: 

  • Select whether the new party is an individual, department, or unknown by using the Party Type dropdown menu.
  • Type the name of the party or department into the name text box, then select a party from the list of user names that appear.
  • If the party is not already in the system, click the Create Individual button located inside the search box to add them as a new user. 
  • To allow the party to view details associated with the case, check the Allow Individual To View box. 
    New Case_Party permissions
  • Select an advisor from the dropdown menu, if applicable. 
  • Select whether to notify the individual that they have been added to the case by using the SMS and Email notification toggles under ‘Notify by’ 

    New party_notify byOnce you are done adding parties, click Add at the bottom right of the pop-up window.

    Note: Parties will not receive case notifications until you send them an invitation to join Case Tracker and they create their account. Learn more about Inviting Users.  


    Incident Details

    You can add one or more Incidents to the case by clicking the Add New Button at the top right of the incidents table.

    A pop-up window will appear. 

    • Enter a title for the incident.
    • Enter the basis of the violation.
    • Select the location of the incident from the dropdown menu.
    • Add one or more policies.
    • Select a time and date that the incident occurred.
    • Add an incident address and select the city and state from the dropdown menu

    Once you are done adding incidents, click Add on the bottom right of the pop-up window.

    Case Procedure

    Select the procedure that will apply to the case from the dropdown menu.

    Once you have selected the procedure, click the Next Button on the bottom right of the page.

    Learn more about setting up procedures.

    Case Assignment

    You can assign someone to serve as the Case Manager by clicking the Add Row Button on the top right of the managers table.

    Add notes to share with the Case Manager in the Synopsis Text Box. 

    Once you are done adding Case Managers, click Next on the bottom right of the screen. 

    Review Case Details and Open Case

    To go back to a previous screen and continue editing the case details, click the Previous Button at the bottom left of the screen or click on the name of the step you wish to return to located at the top of the screen. 

    Once you are done entering and reviewing the case details, you can save the case as a draft by clicking the Save Draft Button, or open the case by clicking the Start Case Button at the top right of the screen.