Manage and Invite Users

As a Case Tracker administrator, you can quickly and easily add and manage the users on your account and invite case parties to use Case Tracker.

Note: Only users with certain roles and manage account users. Learn more about user roles and permissions, or contact your Administrator to request access to manage users.


Find All Admins on Your Account

To view a list of all admins, click on the Users Tab on the Left Navigation Menu to view all admin users in a table view. The table view displays information about each user and their role.

  • Filter: Click the Filter Icon on the top right of the table. In the dropdown that appears, choose the properties that you would like to filter by and click Apply.
  • Sort: Click on the column heading that you would like to sort by. An arrow will appear next to the heading that indicates the sort order. Click the arrow again to reverse the sort order.
  • Adjust Columns: Click the Settings Icon on the top right of the table to select which columns appear on the table.
  • Search: Use the Search Bar at the top left of the table to search for a user’s name.
  • Download: Click the Download Icon at the top right of the table to download the entire user list to a .CSV file.

Add an Admin to Your Account

To add a new admin, click New User at the top right of the screen.

On the Add User page, enter contact information for the new user and select their role. 

You can enter any notes associated with the user into the description text box. Notes entered here will only be visible to admins. 

Click Save/Send Invite at the top right of the screen to invite the user to Case Tracker. They will receive an email with a link to join. 

Edit an Admin’s Role, Email, or Contact Information

To edit an admin’s role or details, locate the desired user in the All Users Table and click on their name to open the Manage User Page.

On the Manage User Page, click Edit at the top right of the screen.

On the Edit Screen, enter the new information and click Update at the top right of the screen to save your changes.

Deactivate an Admin


Note: A user cannot be deactivated if they are still assigned to a case.

To deactivate an admin on your account, locate the desired admin in the All Users Table and click on their name to open the Manage User Page.

On the Manage User Page, click Edit at the top right of the screen. 

On the Edit Screen, click the Active/Inactive Toggle to change the user to Inactive. Click Update at the top right of the screen to save your changes.

When a user’s account is deactivated, they will not be able to log in to Case Tracker and you will not be able to assign cases to them.

Case Parties

Invite Case Parties

To invite a student, witness, faculty, or staff to use Case Tracker, click School Sites on the Left Navigation Menu, then click the name of the campus that the individual is associated with.  
On the Manage School Site page, click the Individuals tab at the top of the page.

Click New Individual at the top right of the Individuals table.  

Enter contact and demographic information for the new individual.  

Click Send Invite at the top of the page to invite them to use Case Tracker. They will receive an automated email notification with an invitation to create their Case Tracker account.  

New individual_invite

To save the individual without sending an email invitation, click Save at the top of the page.  

New individual_save