Update Case Status & Progress

Learn how to update the status or progress of a case.

You can view, change, or pause the progress of a case in two ways:

1. Case Table View

Click on the My Cases or All Cases tab on the Left Navigation Menu.

In the Case Table view you can see the case status, the next upcoming deadline, the number of days the case has been open, and the current case step. 

Tip: If you do not see the status column, click the Settings Icon at the top right of the table to adjust which columns are displayed.

Update the Step Status

Manage the progress of a case by updating the case steps. 

Click the Update Case Progress Icon on the right side under the Actions Column. In the Update Step Box that appears, you can adjust the case progress.

You can either mark the step as complete revert back to a previous step.   

Update a Deadline

Deadlines are automatically set based on the procedure assigned to the case, the number of days allocated to each step of the procedure, and the start date of the current step. The deadline shown in the case table is the deadline for the current step. 

Only certain users can adjust procedure settings. Learn more about setting up user permissions. 

Add Case Notes

Case notes are internal memos that will only be visible to Case Managers and other users who have permission to view the case. To add a case note, click the Case Notes Icon under the Actions Column.

2. Manage Case View

You can also manage the status of a case from the Manage Case page. 

Select the case that you want to edit by clicking on the corresponding Case Tracker ID to open the Manage Case Screen. Click the Progress Tab on the Top Navigation Menu.  

On the Progress Tab you see the status of a case, the current phase and step of the case, the number of days estimated and utilized for each step, and which steps have been completed.

Update or Snooze the Overall Case Status

Click the Mark Case Button at the top right of the table.

In the window that appears, select the status from the dropdown menu.

To snooze a case, enter the number of days that you would like to snooze the case and enter a reason in the text box.

Update the Progress of a Step within a Phase

Click the Update Case Progress Icon to mark the step as complete or paused and return to a previous step.

If a step exceeds its allocated number of days, then it will be marked as delayed. Click the Delay Icon to enter a reason why a step is delayed.